Ben Stein Drops White Phosphorus On Ron Paul’s Neighborhood

Ben Stein Drops White Phosphorus On Ron Paul’s Neighborhood

by Frank Enstein

After months of being unable to effectively debate and counter the economic and political positions presented by Ron Paul, Ben Stein attacked Ron Paul’s neighborhood with what appears to be white phosphorous.

Though reports are sketchy at the moment, scores of residents are reported dead and injured. Ron Paul, who was not at home at the time of the surprise attack, released a brief statement before heading home to assess the carnage saying, “This is a vicious attack.”

Through a spokesman, agent Marcia Hurwitz, Ben Stein said “It’s not a vicious attack.  I’m just tired of his anti-semitism.”

It’s believed the single plane used in the airstrike was piloted by Stein. Said one witness, “I don’t know his name, but it was that asshole from the Visine and credit commercials.”

Stein has reportedly traveled to Israel to avoid arrest and prosecution.

A Facebook group has been setup demanding an apology from Stein:

Win Ben Stein’s Apology

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